Views: 0 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2019-08-03 Origin: Site
Pumps are machines for conveying or pressurizing fluids. It transfers the mechanical energy or other external energy of the prime mover to the liquid, which increases the energy of the liquid. The pump is mainly used to transport water, oil, acid and alkali liquid, emulsion, suspending emulsion and liquid metal, and also can transport liquid, gas mixture and liquid containing suspended solids.
Pumps can generally be divided into three types according to their working principles: volumetric pumps, power pumps and other types of pumps. Besides classifying according to working principle, it can also be classified and named according to other methods. For example, according to the driving method can be divided into electric pump and water wheel pump; according to the structure can be divided into single-stage pump and multi-stage pump; according to the use can be divided into boiler feed pump and metering pump; according to the nature of the liquid can be divided into water pump, oil pump and mud pump. According to the shaft structure, it can be divided into linear pump and traditional pump. Pumps can only transport fluid as the medium of logistics, not solid.